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Results for "keyword: "Character", latest_content: 1"
The Spirituality of Rugby How a passion and pastime can be a spiritual practice.
Birthday of Robert Kennedy (PDP) Acknowledging the energy, courage, flexibility, and wisdom of an icon of the 1960s.
Birthday of William Penn (PDP) Remembering the Quaker leader who was an ardent advocate of liberty and peace.
Mawlid al-Nabi Honoring the birthday of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
Birthday of George Washington (PDP) A tribute to the character of the first president of the United States.
Presidents' Day (PDP) Using the national holiday to assess our attitudes towards the presidency.
Character Development A practice to enhance one's character by examining the soul.
Loving Your Shadow Characters Spiritual practices for loving your shadow side.
Writing a Legacy Letter Ron Pevny on writing a legacy letter as a gift to your descendants.
Redesign A suggestion to reflect on your gifts, your deficits, and your goals.